IADLEST NCP Certified | CRI-TAC approved

This course is designed for law enforcement instructors who want to enhance their training course development capabilities. Based on a combination of military and corporate training concepts and designed specifically for the needs and limitations of law enforcement, this course provides best practices for creating training that helps defend against liability issues.

This is an intensive experience which provides the science, processes, and systems behind Instructional Systems Design that is missing in most instructor certification courses. You will be actively building a course as you apply theory and processes to develop legally defensible training. This training is significantly more than creating an outline and slide deck.

You will learn and be able to:
– Perform analysis, including a performance task analysis
– Develop a Training Design Plan
– Create effective and measurable performance objectives
– Create instructor and participant guides and slide decks
– Create rubrics and scenario control documentation
– Develop defensible tests that have content validity
– Create evaluation tools that measure course efficacy

All participants will receive templates and examples to assist in the development of all work discussed in class. Participants need to bring with them a laptop loaded with Microsoft Office or have access to computers during classroom hours to perform in-class work.

Each participant should have a training topic ready to develop. This topic should be something the individual has some degree of expertise in, but not something already developed or created.